Hope Of Zion Ministry
Missionary Pastors Rick and Ruth Ramey
3123 Georgetown Verona Road
Lewisburg, Ohio 45338
Phone # (937) 307-2714
Email: hope_israel@msn.com
Pastors Rick and Ruth Ramey took their first trip to Israel in 1991. The Lord was already laying the groundwork for his plans for their life. They attended the World Harvest Bible Institute, where they studied "Missions and Music". "Hope of Zion Ministry" was started out of obedience to the Lord's will. Rick and Ruth have been involved in missions in different countries around the world since 1994. Their hearts desire was fulfilled by the Lord allowing them to work with the Jewish people in Israel. They feel privileged to witness the life changing power of Christ in peoples lives.
JODY: How did God call you into your ministry?
HOZM: The Lord led us to World Harvest Bible Institute in 1992 - 1994. The day before our graduation in May 1994, Pastor Rod Parsley gave a prophetic word. He saw our class as seeds in the hand of GOD. The Pastor motioned his hand across the class, telling us we were cast out like seeds across the face of the earth. Within a few weeks we headed for the mission fields of the Phillippines and Mexico. Deep down in our spirits, we knew we had a special call upon us for Israel.
JODY: What is the "heart" of Hope Of Zion Ministry?
HOZM: Our mission is to bring the "Good News" back to the Jewish people, wherever they are in the world. God's purpose lead us to be in Israel. Based on Isaiah 61: 1-11, the word became so clear to our hearts. God's desire is for his chosen people to come to the saving knowledge of Christ. This passage of scripture confirmed our calling to bring hope to Israel.
JODY: What Bible scripture is relevant for your ministry?
HOZM: Isaiah 2:2-3, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem".
JODY: How does this scripture relate to Hope Of Zion Ministry?
HOZM: The name of our ministry, "Hope of Zion", was based on this portion of scripture. During the time we lived and worked with the Jewish people, we felt like we were home. We understood what the Lord meant. God was speaking about Jerusalem, and we were invited to be a part of it!
JODY: What do you feel is your focus in the year 2012?
HOZM: We realize the most important thing we can do is live a life demonstrating Christ love for the Jewish people. We aim to pursue our purpose which has eternal significance. There is no more important mission than to point all Jewish people to their true Messiah. Matthew 23:39 sums up our focus, "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." Jesus is not just returning for the "Western Church". Israel is our main mission field, and we are determined to proclaim his (Yeshua's) love to the lost. If no one remembers our name, but only remembers who we represent, we will be most blessed! Shalom Aleichem (Peace unto you).
JODY: Thank you for your inspiring story. May the Lord continue to bless all you do for his Kingdom. They are available for speaking engagements. Please contact Pastors Rick and Ruth Ramey for more information on their ministry, or to make a donation.