Monday, August 9, 2010

Tape Is Temporary - But Heaven Is Eternal

I don't know what the fascination of tape is, but my daughter uses it on everything.  It got to the point I had to start hiding it, especially during Christmas and birthdays, so I would have some to use.  Problems occurred when the tape quit sticking or got wet.  She just couldn't understand why it wasn't permanent like some of the markers she uses.  So, she added more tape to the existing.  The most surprising use of tape happened a few months back.  She kept trying to catch lizards in our yard with her bug catcher and a stick, but they managed to elude her.  My seven year old tried a new approach.  She came into the kitchen while I was preparing dinner
with a grin and a stressed out lizard.  How did she catch it?  With tape of course!

My daughters excessive use of tape made me think about life.  Everything here on Earth is just temporary.   Do we live our life knowing it is?  So many people have lost jobs they thought were permanent.  Foreclosed homes, lost savings and retirements.  Did the recession change us and give pause for what is eternal?

John 14:1-3

I help teach an adult Sunday School class and one of our lessons was about Jesus comforting his disciples.  In John 14: 1-3 it says, "Do not let your heart be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me.  In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." That same comfort applies to us.  A promise of an eternal life and place.  We need only to accept and believe. 

My Prayer:

Dear Lord help each person reading this to trust and rest in you.  Give peace where peace is needed.  Give hope for situations which seem to never end.  "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  Corinthians 2;17-18.

Can you imagine eternity.......infinite.......unchanging.......ceaseless?  Thank you Lord.  Amen


Please submit a comment to share something that affected you about eternity.  I want this to be an active blog.  God Bless.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Books I love!

The following books have made an impact on my life. They may not have been on a best sellers list. But, the authors writings have encouraged, inspired, and helped me through different phases of my life.


     A Life God Rewards 
     By Bruce Wilkinson


     As Silver Refined
     By Kay Arthur

     My Utmost For His Highest
     By Oswald Chambers

 Meeting God At Every Turn
 By Catherine Marshall


       Mere Christianity
       By C. S. Lewis


Not I, But Christ
By Corrie ten Boom


        Out Live Your Life
        By Max Lucado


The Road Less Traveled
By M. Scott Peck

 The Christian's Secret To A Happy Life
 By Hanna Whitall Smith


        No Man Is An Island
        By Thomas Merton


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meet Jody

Hello.  My name is Jody.  I have been married for over fifteen years to a man God brought in my path.  We have a beautiful daughter, as well as dogs, guinea pigs, and a nineteen year old cockatiel we raise in Columbia, SC. 

I grew up in Kentucky where I was raised in the church.  My father was a dynamic Pastor, and my mother a godly servant for over forty years.  I have served as a teen leader, Missionary President, worship leader, and Sunday school teacher.

My inspiration in life comes from God's word.  The bible has been my compass, teacher, and the rock I stand upon.  I first learned about devotionals when I purchased Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost For His Highest", as a teenager.  It was a christmas present for my mother, and was covered in a lovely green velour fabric.  My mother loved to read the devotional sitting in her rocking chair over the years.  I felt myself  drawn to the encouraging messages as well.

My desire has always been to obey God wherever he takes me. The scriptures have taught me how to be a better person, filled me with joy and peace, and carried my family through tough times. My devotional blog, "Jody Martinez Reflections", is in response to the Lord's leading and helping me believe with him all things are possible.   Along with my blog, I am currently working on a children's book and novel.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Prayer Requests

O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.  Psalms 143:1

If you would like to be lifted up in prayer, please send me an e-mail at
