Saturday, December 17, 2011

In The Face Of A Babe

The following devotional is written by my paster, Dr. James Thrower.  I thank you for reminding us God gave the perfect gift.

We recently enjoyed the blessing of the birth of our fourth grandchild.  As we held her in our arms we marveled at the miracle God had performed.  We laughed, counted toes and fingers, wept at the sheer miracle of life.

In some ways what we did may have been similar to what Mary and Joseph did on the night Jesus was born, but when I reflect on this most miraculous of births I am overwhelmed to think of what Mary and Joseph must have seen as they gazed into the face of this one who's birth had been "promised and then heralded by Angels, attended by Wisemen, and proclaimed to all who would hear by Shepherds." They were told their son had come to be the "Savior" of all mankind.  The sheer magnitude of what they must have felt is captured by Luke who tells us Mary "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." (v.19)

As you journey through this Advent Season I pray you will pause to "ponder in your heart" Christmas' greatest gift.  Remember, He came first "to save his people from their sins."

Today's Scripture Reading:  Luke 2:1-19

Dr. James Thrower
West Columbia Central
Church of the Nazarene


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